Three Things To Look For In A Preschool Summer Camp

25 June 2018
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog


When it comes to preparing your preschooler for kindergarten and beyond, keeping him or her in classes over the summer can provide a host of benefits. A preschool summer camp can reinforce the concepts your child has already learned, and it can also help prevent him or her from forgetting concepts that have already been learned. Of course, a summer camp also provides the childcare you need to continue working throughout the summer. As you look for a program, here are a few features you may want to consider to help narrow down your options.

Planned Activities

The summer camp should be about more than just ABCs and 123s. A great summer camp will offer planned outings and activities, such as trips to the zoo, local parks or the community swimming pool. Ask for a calendar of planned events so you can determine if the program offers activities your child is interested in. You should also ask what the backup plan is in the event of bad weather. The preschool should have alternative indoor activities to make each day exciting.


While summer camp should be about having fun, it's also important that each day has some structure to it. A daily schedule of activities can mean the difference between your child getting an enriching educational experience and your child simply receiving babysitting services each day. The school should be able to provide a schedule that has set times for meals, naps, story time, and independent play. Be sure to discuss which educational concepts will be covered over the summer, as well as how they will be taught. For example, colors and letters can be presented by learning about different subjects. A week covering farm animals can reinforce colors and numbers while teaching children about science as well.


When you discuss the cost of summer camp programs, there are some questions you'll want to ask. Some schools charge a flat fee for activities, while others will require you to pay for field trips and other activities throughout the summer. The pay-as-you-go option for activities may be ideal for you if your child only attends a few days per week. Ask what the weekly tuition is and what it includes. You'll want to know if you need to pack your child's meals or if the school includes food in the cost of tuition. Be sure you know what the registration fee is as well, as it can be equal to one or more week's worth of tuition.

Ask to tour the school before you enroll your child so you can be confident that he or she will be comfortable in that environment. Once you've seen the different summer camp facilities and asked all of the pertinent questions, you can decide which preschools are right for your child.